Aqualectra and Wärtsilä have taken a significant step towards a sustainable energy future for Curaçao by the signing of a battery energy storage system agreement.

The landmark agreement aims to relook energy management in Curaçao by 2030 and ensure reliable, affordable and sustainable energy for the island.

The implementation of a battery energy storage system will allow Curaçao to collect energy from renewable sources such as wind and solar energy and store it using advanced battery storage technologies. This stored energy can be released to mitigate the intermittency of wind power and ensure grid stability. The battery energy storage system will contribute to a reduction of power outages on the island. It optimises the use of renewable energy, thereby lowering greenhouse gas emissions. The system also brings a myriad of economic benefits, such as a cutback in peak demand charges and lower electricity bills for consumers and businesses. In addition to the battery energy storage system, Aqualectra also acquired an energy management system to further improve energy production and distribution.

Negotiations for this battery energy storage system began in January of this year, when Aqualectra’s management team traveled to the Wärtsiliä headquarters in Finland with a vision, firm determination and clear objectives to make it all happen. In less than three months, the determination and diligence of the Aqualectra team and the collaboration and commitment of the Wärtsilä team bore its fruits, and the agreement was finalised.

The partnership between Aqualectra and Wärtsilä underscores Aqualectra’s firm determination to enhance the quality of life for the people of Curaçao. This agreement builds on a trusted partnership that began over 27 years ago, with Wärtsilä building power plants for Aqualectra in both 2015 and 2019. Anders Lindberg, Wärtsilä’s Executive Vice President of Energy, shed light on the collaboration moving forward: “We are confident this partnership will lead to great success for both of our organisations. We look forward to a fruitful collaboration built on trust.” After signing the agreement, Neysa Isenia, Aqualectra’s Managing Director and CFO, also emphasised this sentiment of collaboration and its value in enhancing the quality of life for the community of Curaçao stating, “We strive to maintain a balance that ensures everything we do is also to the benefit of the community we serve.