Taskforce objective:

To assist our member companies in reducing their carbon footprint, through advocating for the enabling regulatory and policy environment and facilitating cooperative activities by members.  The membership of the Energy Chamber covers most of the major GHG emitters in T&T so action by member companies will play a significant role in meeting the T&T’s NDCs.

The areas of focus of the taskforce includes:

  • Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV)

  • Carbon capture & storage

  • Energy efficiency at consumer level and supply side

  • Renewable energy

  • Green hydrogen

  • Communications

Taskforce members include:

David Campbell

Board Champion of the Decarbonization Taskforce


Dr. Dale Ramlakhan

Decarbonization Taskforce

Project Director
HDF Energy

Anil Maharaj, Senior Manager - Operations, Angostura
Arden Rodriguez, Assistant Manager, Projects, National Energy
Fitzroy Harewood, President, PLNL
Himalaya Boodoosingh, Senior Manager, HSE & Security, NGC
Ian Walcott, Vice President, Operations, NGC
Jeffrey Chen, Responsible Energy Manager, Massy Energy
La-Vaughn Clarke, Manager ‑ Commercial Assurance and Analytics, NGC
Marten Adema, BOM & Implementation lead – Atlantic LNG restructuring, Shell
Ramesh Harrylal, Pheonix Park
Ryan Roper, Onshore Commander, bpTT
Samantha Inglefield, QHSE & External Relations Manager, Perenco
Susan Jemmot, Senior Technical Advisor, NGC
Dr. Tyrone Kalpee, Vice President, Business Transformation, Atlantic
Dr. Vernon Paltoo, President, National Energy