BHP released their operational review this week and according to the report, the Ruby project in Trinidad and Tobago is on schedule and budget and is 23% complete.

The Ruby development is projected to include five production wells tied back into existing operated processing facilities, with capacity to produce up to 16,000 gross barrels of oil per day and 80 million gross standard cubic feet of natural gas per day.

The report also indicated that the Deepwater Invictus rig is anticipated to mobilise to Trinidad and Tobago in the middle of the 2020 calendar year to drill one exploration well, Broadside, in BHP’s Southern licences as part of Phase 5 of the deepwater drilling campaign, subject to any potential COVID-19 constraints on mobilisation.  

BHP support for contractors

BHP has also recently implemented emergency measures to support cash flow to suppliers by making immediate payments of outstanding invoices and moving to seven-day payment terms for the next six months for small and local businesses that support BHP’s Petroleum business.

The company has indicated that it spends more than $US150 million per year with its small business supplier base across US, Canada, Mexico and Trinidad and Tobago.