BPTT has created a $1 million COVID-19 response fund accessible to non-governmental and community-based organisations (NGOs and CBOs) to complement the government’s social relief programmes.

BPTT will provide $1 million in grant funding to help meet the needs of the most vulnerable populations across the country. These funds will be disbursed by an implementing partner, The Rose Foundation, to reputable non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) that are already tackling various social problems “on the ground.” This initiative will allow the selected NGOs and CBOs to provide food, medication and other essential supplies to those who are unable to access the government’s social relief programmes, including the self-employed, single-parent homes, migrants, and residential homes providing shelter for the elderly, disabled or socially displaced. Emphasis will also be placed on establishing food banks during this period of uncertainty so that women and children, most often disproportionately affected by crises, can have faster access to these services.

BPTT chose to partner with The Rose Foundation on this initiative because of the organisation’s track record in successfully delivering poverty alleviation projects throughout the country. The current initiative also builds on the partnership between BPTT and The Rose foundation who have over the past 10 years worked together to provided capacity building and entrepreneurial support in at-risk communities through the Beyond Borders programme.

BPTT Regional President Claire Fitzpatrick said: “In Trinidad and Tobago and around the world, COVID-19 has disrupted people’s lives and it’s critical that we support each other at this time. We are in this together. We recognize that the government is doing its best to support its citizens and that the business community has a role to play in supporting the country through this difficult time. We are pleased to partner with The Rose Foundation and we are confident that they have the ability to connect and work with those NGOs and CBOs they determine are best placed to reach the most vulnerable in our society.”

Sterling Belgrove, Executive Chairman, The Rose Foundation said: “The Rose Foundation is humbled to partner with BPTT in responding to the challenging issues in T&T. This COVID-19 crisis response emphasizes the need for sensitive interventions related to food security, and the strengthening of Non-Profit Organisations in their selfless service to the national community. On behalf of all the citizens of T&T, we thank BPTT for their usual responsiveness and their recognition that, we are all, ‘In this together.’ “