Chairman’s Remarks at the Local Content Forum 2023
Jerome Dookie,
Chairman of the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago

Good morning everyone.

I stand before you with a great deal of enthusiasm at the Energy Chamber’s 11th Local Content forum.  I am enthusiastic because I know the collaborative efforts that we are about to embark on today will yield greats benefits for our ever changing energy industry.  This gathering of our member companies exemplifies our collective commitment to fostering growth, sustainability, and competitiveness in our dynamic industry.

In Trinidad and Tobago, the energy sector is not only a driver of economic prosperity but also a catalyst for local development and empowerment.  We, the Energy Chamber, are aware of the importance of local content in the energy sector and how it contributes not only to the growth of our industry but to the well-being of the communities in which we operate.  As such, we remain committed to ensure that we continuously focus on initiatives and activities that promote local content within the industry.

While working on initiatives and activities to promote the development of local content, we have noted that success in local content initiatives requires collaboration at every level.  The journey is not a solitary one—it is a shared endeavor that requires collaboration and partnership.  Local content development is about building bridges and forging connections amongst all stakeholders in the energy sector.  It is about recognizing that our success is intertwined with the prosperity of each other.  Operators must be successful and have activity, in order for energy services companies to have jobs, and energy services companies must have jobs with the operators, if they are to then translate opportunities in the communities in which they operate.

At the Energy Chamber we have recognized the importance of this collaborative approach and how lobbying for opportunities in the upstream sector will ultimately benefit both our members in the petrochemical and LNG sectors and all our local service companies who provide goods and services across the value chain.  This is what our Six Point Plan focuses on.

We also have very specific initiatives that are geared towards local content development and building competitive companies, for example, our Local Content Management System and the work that falls under our Sustainable Energy Services Taskforce.  Dax and Ricardo will touch on these in more detail.  The work that we do in the area of local content development is not always communicated to our members in a way that shows the long-term benefits of these initiatives.  Communicating effectively in this area is something that we will be placing more emphasis on, so that our members can get a sense of all that is happening behind the scenes to assist them when it is not always apparent.

In conclusion, as we navigate the complex landscape of the energy sector, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to local content.  Woodside and their predecessor BHP have been consistent in supporting this event as the major sponsor.  I would like to also recognize our other sponsors: Atlantic, Touchstone, NGC, Shell and bpTT, as well as Proman, for their unwavering commitment to local content development.

I firmly believe through transparent communication and shared goals, we can build a foundation for a sustainable energy future that benefits us all.  This is why we have all gathered here today –  we have the same vision for the energy sector.

By approaching local content collaboratively, we not only secure the future of our industry but become architects of a resilient energy industry.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to the enlightening discussions, feedback and collaboration that will undoubtedly emerge from this forum.

Thank you.