An Energy Chamber survey of our members shows that companies are only sending the most essential front line workers to job sites. 

The Government of Trinidad and Tobago initiated a stay at home order from March 30th to April 15th 2020 in attempt to curb the spread of COVID-19. 

During this period, only essential services are able to operate.  The Regulations understandably include the oil, gas and petrochemical sector amongst the essential services.  This is the sector that keeps the country’s lights on.  

Members of the Energy Chamber report that on average 63% of their employees are working from home.  Only 22% of workers are on jobsites, with the remaining 15% of employees having been placed on leave. 

It should be noted that several organizations have reported that 100% of their employees are working from home at this time, including the Energy Chamber itself. 

The Energy Chamber continues to support the initiatives put forward to curb the spread of COVID-19 and strongly urges its members to only have the minimum number of workers needed to safely and reliably run these essential services, out to work at job sites.