Recently BPTT hosted a technology open house at their Albion Plaza headquarters in Trinidad. Speaking at the event, Regional President, Claire Fitzpatrick said that “Technology is central to achieving our energy future”.

 The event showcased some of the technologies being applied across the company’s activities from exploration to production.

 Fitzpatrick also added that “We at BP are committed to deploying the best available technologies into our business and to continue to use the best minds to deliver energy now and in the future. We are changing the way we work to become more efficient, to increase production and to advance the energy transition”.

 Some of the technologies on display at the open house were; Applications to improve seismic acquisition and interpretation; Digital twinning of facilities which improves production management by simulating different scenarios and conditions; Ceramic screens which help with sand management and improves access to smaller and more challenging fields.

According to the presenters at the event, BPTT is already beginning to see benefits from its use of these technologies.

 The company recently announced success at its Ginger exploration well. Ginger is part of an exploration programme which is based on new approaches to seismic acquisition and interpretation that has improved understanding of the subsurface.

 Digitization and the increased use of data were common themes among the technologies that are being used in BPTT’s operations. “The world is becoming more and more data driven and the energy sector is no different. The question then becomes, how can we help prepare the coming generations for the workplace built around extracting value from analyzing vast amounts of data?” added Fitzpatrick.

Fitzpatrick explained that BPTT is also using technology to transition to a lower carbon future. The company shared what they were doing to lower carbon emissions across its operations and indicated that BP was investing in technologies and new ventures in different parts of the world that can make a lower carbon future possible.

Fitzpatrick said that this is a challenge worth taking on, not just to achieve the country’s goals in relation to the Paris Climate Agreement, but because it is the right thing to do.