The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago has appointed National Energy Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (National Energy) as the agency responsible for Trinidad and Tobago’s export promotion of Energy Services, under the direction of Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries (MEEI).

National Energy will work closely with the MEEI, Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), The Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago (ECTT), the Trinidad and Tobago Coalition of Service Industries (TTCSI), and other key stakeholders on the development and implementation of a National Energy Service Export Strategy. This Strategy will ensure there is a coordinated approach to increasing the promotion of exports of energy services, regionally and internationally.

The Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of The Prime Minister, The Honourable Stuart R. Young MP, stated: “National Energy has long been the State agency responsible for the development and promotion of energy-based industries in Trinidad and Tobago. With their current focus on regional energy industry development and low carbon future industrial development, I have full confidence that National Energy has the appropriate capacity for developing and implementing strategies towards increasing the export of energy services regionally and internationally. The delivery of this Strategy is also part of Government’s Roadmap for Recovery Programme and will support our efforts to diversify the economy.”

Commenting on the Company’s enhanced mandate, Dr. Vernon Paltoo, National Energy’s President, welcomed the opportunity to lead the initiative, indicating: “National Energy will collaborate with key stakeholders to ensure the energy services sector contributes to the national goal of increasing total energy exports. As such, we have already developed a Draft Energy Services Export Framework and Implementation Plan, which will be operationalised in Q1, 2023.”