On February 1, 2021 the Ministry of Works and Transport (MOWT) in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) commenced the development of a National Maritime Policy and Strategy for Trinidad and Tobago. The project is currently in the stakeholder validation phase.

In this regard the MOWT and the MTI now invites citizens and organizations to provide feedback and comments on the draft National Maritime Policy and Strategy. A copy of the draft Policy has been uploaded to the MOWT’s website and can be accessed here (via www.mowt.gov.tt.) Written comments can be sent via email to maritimestrategy@mowt.gov.tt. The subject of the email should read “National Maritime Policy and Strategy”. The deadline for submission of comments is August 27th 2021.

Members of the Energy Chamber are encouraged to send comments to Andrew Hosein (andrew@energy.tt) by August 26th.

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