The Joint Chambers of Trinidad & Tobago took delivery of five chainsaws earlier today for onward delivery to the Government of Grenada for post hurricane recovery efforts. One chain saw was donated by supplier COTEEL of San Fernando and four additional units purchased by the Joint Chamber with funds donated by member companies and members of the public.

The Joint Chamber comprises

• AMCHAM Trinidad & Tobago,

• Energy Chamber of Trinidad & Tobago,

• Trinidad & Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce, and

• Trinidad & Tobago Manufacturers Association.

The four organisations collaborate closely to ensure an effective private sector response to disasters both in Trinidad & Tobago and in the wider Caribbean. Working in partnership with CPSO, CARICHAM, ODPM and the Government of Trinidad & Tobago, the Joint Chambers contribute to the official response plans coordinated by CDEMA.

These chain saws will be added to the extensive amount of equipment and supplies being donated by the Trinidad & Tobago private sector to both St Vincent and Grenada to help in the response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Beryl. They will be shipped on the Galleons Passage, leaving on the 5th July for Grenada.

Follow link if you wish to contribute to the Joint Chambers Relief Fund.

We continue to support where we can as information comes to us.