“Natural gas must continue to play a role in energy and food security which are top priorities globally. There is a need for LNG and gas produced products such as fertilizers and ammonia in particular, and its byproducts. We are also conscious of the negative effects of climate change in particular on small island states and other CARICOM islands, as well as in countries on the African continent, as we all feel the ill effects of climate change.” These words were part of the address by the Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister, the Honourable Stuart R. Young MP as he gave his address at the GECF Ministerial Meeting Cairo, Egypt on October 25th.

Minister Young continued by saying- “It is up to us as GECF members to responsibly carry the narrative globally, especially with COP 27 approaching, as to how we can use technology and responsibly continue to develop the natural resources we all have of natural gas and to recognize the need globally to get the balance correct”.

Minister Young and Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries, Penelope Bradshaw-Niles, who attended as the Chairman of the GECF’s Executive Board along with a delegation from Trinidad and Tobago, attended the 24th GECF Ministerial meeting.

During his presentation Minister Young extended greetings on behalf of Trinidad and Tobago and thanked the GECF for the hospitality both him and his delegation received and commended the GECF Secretariat on their continuing efforts and policy support.

Minister Young highlighted two important points in particular-

1) The need for the GECF to stand with, and to responsibly advocate for the proper development of natural gas resources on the continent of Africa in a responsible manner and to assist African countries to develop their hydrocarbon resources. He said that African countries with hydrocarbon resources must not be left behind.

2) Trinidad and Tobago has immediate available capacity in both LNG and Petrochemical products like ammonia and fertilizers which are needed by the world as we face a global crisis in energy and food security. Minister Young indicated that Trinidad and Tobago is prepared to develop neighbouring proven gas reserves so as to assist with energy security in CARICOM, Latin America and others countries and that Trinidad and Tobago will continue to develop its hydrocarbon resources in a responsible manner whilst also developing cleaner energy.