At what temperature should the air conditioner be set to get the best cooling effect during the heat season, while still using the least amount of electricity?

Households place a high demand on air conditioners because of the heat. The air conditioner will not provide the best cooling effect and will also result in significant power loss if not used properly.

So, what is the most efficient and cost-effective way to use an air conditioner?

Don’t leave the air conditioner on all day

Experts advise against using air conditioning constantly because it can harm our skin and respiratory systems, especially on hot days when the humidity is low.

In addition, letting the air conditioner run continuously for the day will shorten its lifespan by wearing out the internal components.

Only use the air conditioner when absolutely necessary, such as during naps or at night. For the rest of the time, we recommend using fans to reduce monthly electricity costs.

Don’t continuously turn the air conditioner on and off

Manufacturers advise that frequently turning on and off an air conditioner not only increases electricity costs, but also hastens the device’s deterioration over time. The compressor and fan of the air conditioner must both be turned on for the appliance to begin operating.

All air conditioners today, according to manufacturers, have a temperature sensor system, which means that when the temperature in a room reaches the level set on the remote, the appliance will turn off automatically, thus conserving electricity.

Additionally, manufacturers suggest turning off the air conditioner about thirty minutes before leaving a room because it not only helps the room warm up gradually, but also lessens the impact of a sudden departure from the house on our bodies.

Use the on and off timer feature

Most air conditioners in use today have timers to automatically turn them on and off, but very few people use this incredibly useful feature.

We should use the on and off timer feature because our body temperature tends to drop at night or while we sleep, which can lead to colds or disrupted sleep. Not only is it good for you and your quality of sleep to have the device turn off automatically for a while, but it also significantly lowers the amount of electricity used each month.

Turn off the power switch when the air conditioner is not in use

Most users believe that turning off the air conditioner with the remote is sufficient, but depending on the product line, the air conditioner can still operate in moderation and use about 15W even if turned off with only the remote.

Therefore, you should pay attention to this if you want to reduce your electricity costs the most. To make it easy to turn on and off the air conditioner, you should install the power switch within reach.

When not in use, experts advise turning off the power switch for the air conditioner.

Proper temperature regulation

Users frequently tend to lower the thermostat as far as it can go in order to quickly cool the room. However, experts point out that the machine will use more electricity the lower the temperature is.

The ideal indoor temperature should be kept at 25° Celsius because the power consumption will be lower and the risk of experiencing thermal shock when leaving your house will be reduced the closer the indoor and outdoor temperatures are.