On Thursday 18th November 2021, Mr. Roger Ferguson, Chief Executive Officer, Trinidad Generation Unlimited (TGU), signed the Safe to Work (STOW) Charter. In doing so he committed the company to utilize the STOW certification system to assess contractors’ health, safety and environmental (HSE) management systems.

Mr. Ferguson signed the STOW Charter at the Energy Chamber’s Executive Office at Atlantic Plaza. Also present was the Chairman of the STOW Implementation Board and President of Pt. Lisas Nitrogen Limited, Mr. Fitzroy Harewood.

TGU owns and manages the largest combined-cycle power plant in the Caribbean and currently supplies approximately 50% of Trinidad & Tobago’s electrical energy.  Their signing of the STOW Charter means that going forward, contracting companies offering high risk services will have to be STOW certified if they wish to do business with TGU.

STOW is a certification programme for contractors’ HSE Management Systems and is a minimum requirement for prequalifying contracting companies that wish to provide services to any of the operating companies in Trinidad & Tobago that are signatories to the STOW Charter. The programme is governed by the STOW Implementation Board and administered on a day-to-day basis by the STOW Project Office of the Energy Chamber of Trinidad & Tobago.

Since the certification of the first company in 2010, 715 companies have achieved STOW Certification.

For more information on STOW, please visit the STOW Website at www.stowtt.info  or contact the STOW Project Office at 354-4189.