Subsea 7 awarded contract for bp Cypre project

Subsea 7 awarded contract for bp Cypre project

Subsea 7 has announced the award of a contract to Subsea Integration Alliance to support the development of bp’s Cypre project, a gas development located offshore Trinidad and Tobago. Subsea 7’s scope of the awarded Subsea Integration Alliance contract is substantial.



31st January 2023 – Port-of-Spain:  Secondary School students want child-friendly energy education, clean energy solutions, and greater environmental responsibility for a better quality of life in Trinidad and Tobago.  This summarises the views of one hundred and thirty (130) secondary school students attending the Heroes of Energy Youth Forum at the 2023 Trinidad and Tobago Energy Conference.

Touchstone announces execution of asset exchange agreement

Touchstone announces execution of asset exchange agreement

Touchstone Exploration has announced that its indirect wholly owned Trinidadian subsidiary, Primera Oil and Gas Limited, has entered into an Asset Exchange Agreement for the exchange of certain onshore Trinidad assets with Lease Operators Limited, a privately held Trinidadian entity.

Energy Chamber encouraged by positive response to onshore bid round

Energy Chamber encouraged by positive response to onshore bid round

While the Trinidad and Tobago onshore province represents very mature acreage, the recent exploration success of Touchstone shows that it is still possible to make new finds and develop new fields in this mature setting. Onshore production in mature provinces will typically attract attention from smaller producers, rather than major oil and gas companies, which was the case in this bid round.

Touchstone reports commencement of Royston-1x operations

Touchstone reports commencement of Royston-1x operations

Touchstone Exploration has announced that it has commenced operations at the Royston-1X sidetrack well located on the onshore Ortoire block in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Touchstone has an 80 percent operating working interest in the well, with Heritage Petroleum Company Limited holding the remaining 20 percent working interest. 

Keynote Address by Dr.  the Hon. Keith Rowley, Prime Minister, Trinidad and Tobago at the Trinidad and Tobago Energy Conference 2023

Keynote Address by Dr. the Hon. Keith Rowley, Prime Minister, Trinidad and Tobago at the Trinidad and Tobago Energy Conference 2023

It is my pleasure to be here with you all today at this the 2023 Energy Conference staged by the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago. The theme of this year’s Conference “Navigating a Complex Energy Future” is highly relevant as the global energy market is at a critical point and hydrocarbon countries like ours, and our neighbours Guyana and Suriname, must ensure that we are part of the conversations taking place.

Chairman’s address at the Opening of the Trinidad & Tobago Energy Conference 2023

Chairman’s address at the Opening of the Trinidad & Tobago Energy Conference 2023

Good morning everyone! It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Energy Conference and to deliver my first public address as Chair of the Energy Chamber of Trinidad & Tobago. I am honoured that my fellow Board members have elected me to this role in the Chamber, which represents such a critical part of our national economy. And of course, my appreciation to all members of the Chamber for your wider support.

Enlightened self-interest: Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela and global gas markets

Enlightened self-interest: Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela and global gas markets

The recent news of of a renewed dialogue between government and opposition in Venezuela and the changing diplomatic stance of the United States towards sanctions opens up a renewed possibility for Trinidad & Tobago to import natural gas via pipeline from Venezuela. With a significant potential to process natural gas exported by pipeline into either LNG or petrochemicals for international markets, Trinidad & Tobago represents the best opportunity for Venezuela to monetise its massive offshore gas reserves and stop harmful and wasteful flaring of associated gas in its oilfields. This will ensure that Venezuela can both generate the income needed to overcome the country’s continuing humanitarian crisis as well as provide the world with additional LNG, fertilisers and lower carbon fuels.

Energy Chamber encouraged by positive response to onshore bid round

Energy Chamber encouraged by positive response to onshore bid round

The Energy Chamber of Trinidad & Tobago was encouraged by the positive response to the onshore bid round.  Eight of the eleven blocks on offer received at least one bid, with a total of sixteen bids from eight different companies.  While the Trinidad & Tobago onshore province represent very mature acreage, the recent exploration success of Touchstone shows that it is still possible to make new finds and develop new fields in this mature setting.  Onshore production in mature provinces will typically attract attention from smaller producers, rather than major oil and gas companies, and this was the case in this bid round.

Jamaica to add 10 EV charging stations

Jamaica to add 10 EV charging stations

The electric vehicle (EV) sector will receive a boost next year, as energy company Jamaica Public Service Co. (JPS) prepares to roll out an additional ten new charging stations for EVs island-wide, over the course of 2023. This initiative will help Jamaica to keep pace with global trends in EV adoption. The announcement of the new charging stations was made by Business Development Director at JPS, Dionne Nugent, while speaking at the Ministry of Science, Energy and Technology’s webinar on EVs entitled “Framework for Electric Mobility and Plans for the Charging Networks”.

Guyana opens offshore bid round

Guyana opens offshore bid round

President Mohamed Irfaan Ali has launched Guyana’s competitive bid round for 14 offshore oil blocks, comprised of 11 shallow-water blocks and three ultradeepwater blocks.

Guyana to move on gas to power

The Government of Guyana has paved the way for the Gas to Shore project to come to life by 2024. The Cabinet today issued a “no objection” to the construction of the first-ofits-kind facility in Guyana. The project includes the construction of a 300MW combined cycle power plant and natural gas liquids facility

Joint Chambers disbursed TTD$250,000 in flood relief aid

The Joint Chambers have disbursed TT$250,000 to Sewa TT to support their flood relief efforts. These funds will be utilised by Sewa TT to provide immediate relief to the many families impacted by the recent floods across Trinidad. Sewa TT, with coordination by the ODPM, has been provided meals, water and other relief items to impacted households. However, it is clear that additional support will be required.

Phoenix Park acquires Minnesota terminal

Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited (PPGPL) through its wholly owned subsidiary Phoenix Park Energy Marketing LLC (PPEM), completed the acquisition of a propane terminal located in Rush City Minnesota.

Woodside Calypso project

Calypso is a deepwater gas discovery in Trinidad and Tobago. The Calypso opportunity is located 217 km off the coast of Trinidad and Tobago, close to existing LNG infrastructure and downstream petrochemical facilities. 

SLB and Subsea Integration Alliance awarded contract for bp’s Cypre project

SLB has announced an award to its OneSubsea business and Subsea Integration Alliance of a large contract by bp for its Cypre gas project offshore Trinidad and Tobago. The contract scope covers the engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) of the subsea production systems and subsea pipelines. The award represents Subsea Integration Alliance’s first fully integrated EPCI single contract with bp and the Alliance’s first development in the Caribbean nation