• Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago (map)
  • Atlantic Plaza, Atlantic Avenue
  • Point Lisas
  • Trinidad and Tobago

The Energy Efficiency and Renewables Conference takes place from February 1st - 3rd 2021.

The Energy Efficiency and Renewables Conference is now in its 5th year and this will be the second year that it is held virtually.

The theme of the conference is “Leading in the Energy Transition” .

Session topics will include:

  1. Caribbean low carbon initiatives

  2. Managing power sector emissions (utility perspectives)

  3. Developing wind resources (Onshore/Offshore)

  4. Opportunities for Carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS)

  5. Next steps for hydrogen development

  6. Low carbon transport systems

  7. Carbon trading and pricing

  8. Services development for energy efficiency and renewable energy

Feature speakers include the representatives from the government, private sector and academia