• Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago (map)
  • Atlantic Plaza, Atlantic Avenue
  • Point Lisas
  • Trinidad and Tobago

The Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health has partnered to increase the number of voluntary blood donors in T&T.

The blood donation drive will take place at the Energy Chamber’s Learning Centre from October 10th -12th during the hours of 9am - 3pm.

Individuals and companies interested in participating in the blood drive, please complete the following form and email to administration@energy.tt

The blood drive is a voluntary non remunerated blood donation.

What is Voluntary Non- Remunerated Blood Donation (VNRBD) ?

Voluntary Non-Remunerated Blood Donation is giving blood to the National Blood Bank expecting nothing in return.

Why donate blood via the VNRBD ?

  • ·We need more blood -Family/replacement donors cannot meet the need for blood and blood products.

  • You save lives – Voluntary Non-Remunerated Blood Donation makes you feel good.

  • Safer Blood - Blood which is donated voluntarily is safer.

  • Regular supply - True Voluntary Blood Donors donate blood more regularly than other types of donors

How could I donate Voluntarily?

  • Blood can be donated by anyone meeting the health criteria

  • Visit any of the Blood Donation Centres

  • Fill out the registration form.  This can also be done online.

  • An interview will be conducted.  For your own safety you will be asked information on your medical history.  A mini- medical examination will also be done

  • If you are selected to make a donation, your blood will be tested for certain infections to ensure it is safe for the recipient.

  • A nurse or trained phlebotomist will draw your blood.  There is a 15-minute mandatory rest period after giving blood before you are allowed to leave the donation centre.

How will I get blood if I, or a loved one needs?

  • Blood that is donated voluntarily will be placed in the national pool to be utilised.

  • Blood will be utilised from the national pool based on needs.

Planning to Donate… then the following should be considered:

Eat a balanced, healthy diet including a variety of iron-rich foods from the Six Caribbean Food Groups everyday.

Keep hydrated with about 8-10 glasses of water daily.

On the day of your donation:

  •  Drink an extra 16 ounces (2 cups) of water before the donation. Non-alcoholic beverages like 100% fruit or vegetable juices can also be used.

  • Eat a healthy meal within 3 hours before donating including different food groups (for instance a chicken sandwich with greens).

  • Avoid fatty foods/snacks like hamburgers, fries or ice cream.

  • Avoid alcoholic beverages

  • In order to donate blood, your body needs to have enough iron. Iron is a nutrient that helps make new red blood cells.

AFTER Donating:

  • Eat a salty snack

  • To replenish your fluids, drink an extra four cups of water (or non-alcoholic drink) over the next 24 hours.

  • Avoid alcoholic beverages

  • Continue consuming iron-rich foods every day.

  • Include foods containing Vitamin C (pineapple or mango chow is a Vitamin C rich snack).