Registration is now open for the Annual Local Content Forum.

The Local Content Forum is open to members of the Energy Chamber and provides a platform to discuss local content development in T&T.

The objectives of the forum are:

  • To foster a collaborative approach to local content and capacity development.

  • To review the targets coming out of the last forum. The Energy Chamber will provide an update on the activities that we have undertaken in the last twelve months.

  • To hear from members on local content issues affecting them.

  • To gather feedback from the industry to inform the Energy Chamber's local content development activities.

Event: Local Content Forum
Date: November 22nd, 2023
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Venue: Hilton Trinidad & Conference Centre
Cost: Members Only Event (Free to attend but you must register)


8:30am – 9:00am
Registration and Breakfast

9:00 am - 9:02 am
Welcome – Safety Brief – National Anthem
Dr Priya Marajh,
Vice President Advocacy and Member Engagement, the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago  

9:02 am- 9: 10 am
Jerome Dookie
, Chairman, the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago  

9:10 am – 9:15 am
Primary Sponsor Remarks: 
Robin Pogson Daniel, Woodside Energy

9:15 am – 9:20 am
Update on the Energy Chamber’s local content initiatives:

Ricardo Mahadeo, Chairman, Sustainability of the Energy Services Taskforce, Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago

9:20 am- 9:30 am
Presentation on LCMS priority services
Dr Thackwray Driver,
President and CEO, Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago

9:30 am – 10:30 am
Break Out Sessions

  1. ESG -Enhancing the competitiveness of service companies
    Chaired by Rachel Welch-Phillips, Head of ESG and Sustainable Finance, Dentons

  2. LCMS improvements
    Chaired by Gary Frost, Member of Sustainability of Energy Services Taskforce, Managing Director, Rig Bound  

  3. Prequalification harmonization
    Chaired by by Renee Kalloo-Lalgee – Manager, Supply Chain Operational Excellence. Atlantic 

  4. Contractor safety
    Chaired by Ayanna Bartholomew, STOW Administrator, Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago

  5. Regional integration - Free movement of people
    Chaired by Ricardo Mahadeo, Chairman, Sustainability of the Energy Services Sector, CEO TOSL Engineering.

  6. Stimulating activity in the energy sector (service companies to discuss)
    Chaired by Arnim Ramsey,
    CEO, Earth Environmental Services

  7. Payments to local subcontractors
    Chaired by Camille Boodhai-Kangal,
    Procurement Senior Manager, bp Trinidad and Tobago

10:30 am-10:45 am
Coffee Break

10:45 am- 11:15 am
Feedback from break-out sessions

11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Panel discussion- Reflections from the breakout sessions and the way forward

Hafiz Ali, CEO, Weldfab
Glen Lezama, Contracts Manager, Proman
Ian Persad- Manager Services Contracting - Supply Chain Management, Atlantic 

Moderated by
Dr Thackwray Driver, President and CEO, Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago  

12.00 pm- 12: 45 pm
Networking and Lunch