• Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago (map)
  • Atlantic Plaza, Atlantic Avenue
  • Point Lisas
  • Trinidad and Tobago

The Energy Chamber is pleased to host the first Policy Forum featuring the Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, Hon. Stuart Young.

In addition to a keynote by the Minister, the forum will feature an address by the incoming Chairman of the Energy Chamber, Dwight Mahabir along with a panel discussion with members of the Board of the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago.

The panel discussion will focus on the main advocacy areas of the Energy Chamber including Local Content Development, Regional Integration of Services, Fiscal Reform, the Gas Value Chain, Industrial Relations and Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Event: Policy Forum with the Minister of Energy and Energy Industries
Date:  November 23rd, 2021
Time: 10am – 12pm
Cost: Members: $250 + VAT | Non-Members: $300 + VAT
Venue: Virtual (Zoom)


10:00 am - 10:05 am
Introduction of the 2021-2022 Executive Committee

Dr Thackwray Driver, President and CEO, Energy Chamber of T&T

10:05 am - 10:20 am
Incoming Chair's Address
Dwight Mahabir,
Chairman, Energy Chamber of T&T (2021-2022)

10:20 am - 10:40 am
Feature Address
The Honourable Stuart Young,
Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, Trinidad & Tobago

10:40 am - 11:40 am
Panel Discussion Covering main advocacy areas and reflecting on the Minister’s Feature address

  • Jerome Dookie, Proman Trinidad

  • Shaun Rampersad, Ramps Logistics

  • Mark Loquan, The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd.

  • Philip Julien, Kenesjay Green

  • Stephane Picarle, Shell Trinidad

  • Facilitator: Dr Thackwray Driver, President and CEO, Energy Chamber of T&T

10:40 am - 10:50 am
Final Comments

The Honourable Stuart Young, Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, Trinidad & Tobago

10:50 am - 12:00pm
Vote of Thanks
Dr Priya Marajh,
Vice President Advocacy and Member Engagement, Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago