(Photo source: Stv Online)

St Vincent is exploring geothermal energy and is advanced in that thrust. Thus far two wells have been drilled. Local media in St Vincent have reported that the second phase of drilling at the geothermal site at Bamboo Range has yielded positive results so far.

According to Searchlight, Project Director, Ellsworth Dacon said that the drilling of the second well, named Well Number Three, took about 83 days to complete and stimulation shows that this well is at 215 degrees Celsius and getting hotter, the right amount of energy needed for geothermal power generation. He added however that although the initial findings point to this, testing equipment still has to be procured to determine how much power Well Number Three can produce.

When complete the geothermal facility will produce between 3.5 mw to 10mw. The exact amount is still being evaluated.

The drilling campaign is expected to be complete before the end of the year while plant construction can start late 2020 or early 2021 and that is the plan if everything goes well,” the project director said.

