Shell’s activity in Trinidad and Tobago is set to accelerate over the next few years, with two rigs due to be simultaneously in operations for the first time in the recent history of the asset (which was brought into the Shell Trinidad & Tobago Limited portfolio through their purchase of BG Group). The recent acquisition by Shell Trinidad & Tobago Limited of Chevron’s interests in Trinidad and Tobago has allowed them to make investment decisions on new activity off Trinidad’s east coast without having to seek the agreement of a partner. This has been important in unlocking the new investment in upstream gas production. 

Speaking at a recent Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago Energy Luncheon, Derek Hudson, Vice President and Country Chair, Shell Trinidad and Tobago Limited, unveiled Shell’s short and medium-term projects in Trinidad and Tobago. The short-term drilling focus is on the East Coast Marine Area (ECMA) and two rigs are already contracted: the Maersk Discoverer which will be working on the Starfish field and Rowan Gorilla VI which will work on Dolphin. There are also significant developments planned to bring gas from the Dragon field in Venezuela through Shell’s Hibiscus hub in the North Coast Marine Area (NCMA). 

The detailed presentation provided by Hudson along with Colette Hirstius, General Manager Growth, and Jenna Joseph, Asset Manager NCMA and Central Block, provided significant insight into the upcoming activities the global giant has in store for Trinidad and Tobago to increase gas production. The company’s focus in the short term is to accelerate the development of its already discovered resources to offset the shortfalls that have plagued Trinidad and Tobago’s gas industry over recent years. In addition to the development of the existing fields, Shell will also be undertaking extensive exploration activity to discover new resources. 

In the ECMA, Hirstius indicated that there are three projects being developed by Shell in the short term to deliver gas through the Dolphin facility. The blocks to be developed are Starfish, Dolphin and Block 5c. 

In Starfish, Shell will drill three wells, and in Dolphin, new wells will be drilled and there will be further drilling in block 5c. Drilling will commence in Starfish in Q1 2018 and gas production is expected to begin by mid-2018 according to Hirstius. 

Hirstius has also revealed progress on project Barracuda which is a plan to develop discovered resources in the Endeavour and Bounty fields. Drilling for these fields will begin in late 2018 when drilling from Starfish is completed, and first gas is expected in 2020. This project involves a subsea tieback to existing infrastructure. 

Jenna Joseph, Asset Manager of the NCMA and Central Block area, also provided insight into the planned work for the NCMA. She indicated that Shell will be actively engaged in the Calibri project and the Dragon cross-border project. She also indicated that within the NCMA, focus will be placed on the development of the Cassra and Orchid fields. This will include four horizontal wells and a 100 km long tieback to the existing NCMA 1 Poinsettia facility. 
