The Proman family of companies announced that as of October 1st, 2019 its construction arm, PAGTT (Proman AG (Trinidad) Ltd), has amalgamated with its operation division, IPSL (Industrial Plant Services Limited), creating a new entity trading as Proman.

Proman will operate alongside other Proman group companies in Trinidad: MHTL (Methanol Holdings (Trinidad) Limited), CNC(Caribbean Nitrogen Company) and N2000, and DeNovo.

A notice from the company confirms a new leadership structure whereby Claus Cronberger will become overall Managing Director of Proman in Trinidad, Wilson Ramjattan Managing Director of Proman Operations, Andre Pfeffer Managing Director of Proman Engineering and Construction, and Nicole Callender-Benjamin Finance Director. Krishen Ramdeen, former Corporate Services Manager at IPSL, will become Corporate and Shared Services Director.

The Proman family of companies in Trinidad and Tobago represent this country’s largest methanol producer, a major producer of ammonia, and one of the longest operating tenants on the Point Lisas Industrial Estate.

Recently, Proman’s parent company in Switzerland also announced that Proman Shipping AG and Stena Bulk AB will begin a new Joint Venture partnership. The venture marks a new step for Proman Shipping, which will be the operator and 50-50 owner of two long term time-chartered ships, under the name ‘Proman Stena Bulk Limited’.