Tullow Oil has completed seismic work on its operated offshore Walton Morant licence according to an article in Upstream. London-listed partner, United Oil and Gas (UOG), indicated that the conclusion of the 2,250 square kilometres 3D – seismic acquisition survey has moved the partners closer to de-risking the high-graded Colibri target. Tullow holds an 80 per cent interest in the licence and the remaining 20 per cent is held by UOG. 

The 3D seismic survey is the first in Jamaica. The survey is meant to help de-risk multiple structures to drill-ready status including Colibri, a high-grade target estimated to hold gross mean prospective resources of over 200 million barrels of oil. 

UOG said it expects to receive a fast-tracked version of the data by mid-July 2018 with the final processed data-sets due to be available later in the year. Subject to the results, an exploration well could be drilled in 2020-2021, with success significantly de-risking numerous follow-up structures that have already been identified across the licence. 
