This course satisfies the requirements of Part VII (Notification Investigation of Accidents and Occupational Diseases) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 2004 of Trinidad and Tobago. This workshop is also in compliance with the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 29 CFR 1903.1 of the United States of America. It introduces basic skills in accident investigation, root cause analysis and statistical evaluation of accidents to assist persons in the investigation process. It is also designed for the majority of cases that can be diagnosed rapidly and where outside assistance is not normally required.

Accident/Incident Investigation (2 days)

Date: 23rd & 30th September 2020
Time: 8:30am to 12:30 pm
Location: Virtual via GoToMeeting
Cost: Member TT$1000 plus VAT and Non-member TT$1500 plus VAT
To register, please click here 

Please note that all dates and courses are subject to change; Persons registered for any of the above must attend all sessions in order to receive a certificate.