The SME sector is defined as comprising of two segments: the small enterprises which employ between 6-25 workers and generate sales of $500,000 to $2.99 million. The medium sized enterprises employ between 26-50 workers and have sales of $3 million to $50 million.
This workshop is designed for businesses which are classified as SMEs, wanting to explore new opportunities in a period of structural adjustment by using a more innovative and entrepreneurial approach.

Facilitator: Mr. Sajjad Hamid
Date: Wednesday 22nd August 2018
Time: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Cost: Members: $1500 per participant (VAT Exclusive)
Non-members: $1600 per participant (VAT Exclusive)

Venue: The Energy Chamber Learning Centre,
Atlantic Plaza, Point Lisas

Contact: Chrystal Joshua@ 679-7113 ext. 38 or