On Wednesday 5th October, 2016, Mr. Mark Loquan, President of the National Gas Company of Trinidad & Tobago Limited, signed the Safe to Work (STOW) Charter, demonstrating the company’s re-commitment to the original objectives of STOW.    Also present at the signing which took place at the Executive Office of Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago were Dr. Thackwray Driver, President & CEO of the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago and NGC officials Ms. Maria Thorne, Vice President, Legal & Corporate Management and Mrs. Heather Moore – Bernard, Manager, Risk Management.

NGC joins 25 major operating companies in the oil and gas sector who have signed the Charter and agreed to adopt the STOW-TT HSE requirements as a mandatory prerequisite for service providers competing for business within Trinidad and Tobago. Additionally, Mr. Loquan identified January 1st 2017 as the cut-off date after which STOW Certification will become mandatory for all of NGC’s service providers.

NGC is one of the major players in the oil and gas sector and this Signing points to the growing importance and influence of STOW and strengthens the message of the participating operating companies that seek to ensure acceptable HSE performance of service providers in the oil and gas sector.

STOW (Safe to Work) is a certification programme for contractors’ HSE Management Systems and is a minimum requirement for contracting companies wishing to provide services to any of the STOW Charter Operating Companies in Trinidad & Tobago. Since the certification of the first company in 2010, 485 companies have achieved STOW Certification and this figure is only expected to grow in the near future.

For more information on STOW, please visit the STOW Website at http://stowtt.energy.tt or contact the STOW Project Office at 636 – 3749 Ext. 27, 31 or 32. 
