• Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago (map)
  • Atlantic Plaza, Atlantic Avenue
  • Point Lisas
  • Trinidad and Tobago

This course will introduce students to the legal aspects of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2006 as amended (OSH Act) and its necessary association with certain sections of the Environmental Management Act (EM Act). This will be achieved through analysis of the OSH Act and cases which have applied and/or considered sections of the Act in their ultimate determination. Consequently, students will gain an understanding of the abovementioned Acts and their legal application in industrial or workplace situations to assist in their performance as professionals.

Title: Legal Aspects of Occupational Safety (Online) Workshop – 5 weeks (Two 3-hr sessions/week)
: September 27th 2021
Days: Mondays & Fridays
Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00pm
Venue: Online via Zoom
Cost: Member TT$1800 plus VAT and Non-member TT$2000 plus VAT
To register, please click here