Minister Young meets with Methanex

Minister Young meets with Methanex

Minister Young recently met with Methanex executives, Dean Richardson, Senior Vice President-Financial Officer of Methanex and Colin Bain, Managing Director & President at Methanex Corporation.

Minister Young commends local content at Bptt’s Cypre project vessel tour

Minister Young commends local content at Bptt’s Cypre project vessel tour

The Honourable Stuart R. Young, Minister of Energy and Energy and Energy Industries along with David Campbell, President bpTT, Paul Stern, Projects General Manager bpTT and Giselle Thompson, Vice President, Communications and External Affairs, bpTT, toured the ‘Seven Seas,’ a pipe-laying vessel which is currently supporting the development of bpTT’s Cypre Project in Trinidad and Tobago. 

Heritage commissions steam generator to enhance oil recovery in Forest Reserve

Heritage commissions steam generator to enhance oil recovery in Forest Reserve

Heritage Petroleum Company Limited (Heritage) has announced the commissioning of a steam generator aimed at significantly improving oil recovery in the Forest Reserve area. This represents a major step forward in the company’s commitment to enhancing operational efficiency and maximising resource extraction.

T&T begins onshore wind resource assessment

T&T begins onshore wind resource assessment

The Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries has announced the successful deployment of Light Detection and Ranging devices (LiDARs) to the areas of Orange Valley and Galeota, Trinidad and Tobago. These devices will measure wind data to international standards for a period of 12-18 months, under the renewable energy initiative for the onshore ‘Wind Resource Assessment Programme (WRAP)’ for Trinidad and Tobago and it marks the first steps towards official wind energy deployment in Trinidad and Tobago.

Energy Chamber hosts another successful Local Content Forum

Energy Chamber hosts another successful Local Content Forum

A wide cross section of the Energy Chamber membership, spanning from small locally owned contractors through to major oil and gas operator companies, joined together on 20th November for the Energy Chamber’s annual Local Content Forum. Over one hundred and fifty participants were involved in extensive open and transparent dialogue to discuss major issues impacting the energy services sector and to identify areas for action by the Energy Chamber and other stakeholders in the coming year.

bp awarded NCMA 2 exploration block

bp awarded NCMA 2 exploration block

bp has announced that it has been awarded the NCMA 2 block offshore Trinidad as part of the Shallow Water 2023/24 bid round that closed in May 2024.

Joint Chambers partner with SEWA TT to assist communities impacted by flooding

Joint Chambers partner with SEWA TT to assist communities impacted by flooding

The Joint Chambers (AMCHAM Trinidad and Tobago, Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce & the Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association) are partnering with SEWA T&T to help provide potable  water to households in communities impacted by flooding. 

TTNGL reports impressive growth in 2024

TTNGL reports impressive growth in 2024

For the nine months ended 30 September 2024, Trinidad and Tobago NGL Limited (TTNGL/Company) has achieved a remarkable 153.2% increase in profit after tax over the same period in 2023. The Company posted an after-tax profit of TT$82.8 million, up significantly from TT$32.7 million in 2023. This equates to earnings per share of TT$0.53, reflecting an impressive growth of TT$0.32 compared to the prior year

Joint Chambers: Request for urgent resolution to issues at the Port of Port of Spain

Joint Chambers: Request for urgent resolution to issues at the Port of Port of Spain

The Joint Chambers calls on the Government of Trinidad & Tobago to urgently take whatever action necessary to immediately resolve the ongoing industrial action causing chaos at the Port of Port of Spain. The lack of affirmative action on this matter is leading to a national crisis, at a most inopportune time of the year when the volume of shipments is typically at its highest and makes it imperative that the port operates efficiently.

Staatsolie delegation visits Heritage for strengthened energy collaboration 

Staatsolie delegation visits Heritage for strengthened energy collaboration 

Heritage Petroleum Company Limited (Heritage) welcomed a high-level delegation from Suriname’s national oil company, Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V. (Staatsolie), at its Corporate Head Office on October 23, 2024. Coordinated by National Energy Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (National Energy), the Staatsolie’s delegation visit included strategic meetings and site tours with key stakeholders across Trinidad and Tobago’s energy sector, aiming to enhance knowledge exchange and capacity building between the two nations.

The Energy Chamber’s advocacy initiatives and foreign exchange availability

The Energy Chamber’s advocacy initiatives and foreign exchange availability

Accessing foreign exchange is a major headache for many Energy Chamber members companies, especially small to medium-sized service companies and contractors.  These companies need foreign exchange to procure equipment and supplies as well as to pay for things like international certification fees and specialised training.  Just like companies outside of the energy sector, many of our members are juggling various accounts with different banks to be able to access the foreign exchange that they require.

Natural gas: a fuel of the future

Natural gas: a fuel of the future

The importance of natural gas in today’s world cannot be overstated, since it accounts for about 22.4% of electricity generation. Its future importance as an energy source remains defined by its context, as it will remain a key fuel in the transition to renewables, as the cleanest fossil option available.

Massy Gas commissions Guyana’s first air separation plant

Massy Gas commissions Guyana’s first air separation plant

Massy Gas Products (Guyana) Ltd (MGPGL) commissioned an Air Separation Plant yesterday at their East Bank Demerara facility. The liquid oxygen and nitrogen plant has a production capacity of 13 tons per day. This cutting-edge facility is designed to meet the growing demands of Guyana’s medical and industrial sectors.

Keskula: Process safety keeps me up at night

Keskula: Process safety keeps me up at night

The Centre for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) recently held a one-day meeting in Trinidad and Tobago, featuring a series of presentations from industry professionals engaged in process safety. At the meeting, Heritage Petroleum’s CEO Erik Keskula gave welcoming remarks and started by saying “If there’s something that keeps me up at night it’s process safety”. Heritage Petroleum was the lead sponsor of the event and hosted the event alongside the CCPS. 

Tiger Tanks completes GHG Inventory and Mitigation Assessment

Tiger Tanks completes GHG Inventory and Mitigation Assessment

Tiger Tanks is the first private sector company in T&T to complete an extensive GHG inventory and mitigation assessment. Over the past few months, the company has partnered with the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) to conduct the assessment. This project allows Tiger Tanks to identify key emission sources and equips the company with the tools needed to implement targeted strategies for reducing those emissions.